Figure Properties
Figures have the following properties:
- Name: The Name field displays the figure or actor name. Enter a new name in this field if you desire.
- Visible: Checking the Visible checkbox makes the figure visible and vice versa. Invisible objects are not included in any render calculations, and do not appear in the rendered scene.
You can animate visibility by clicking the Animation Toggle (key icon) next to the Visible checkbox. When animation is enabled, the icon appears white. When disabled, it appears gray.
- Visible in Raytracing: Checking the Visible in Raytracing checkbox makes the figure visible in raytraced reflections, such as if the figure is in front of a mirror. Clearing this checkbox makes the figure not appear in reflections. This option is used when raytracing.
- Light Emitter: When checked, allows the object to be included in indirect lighting calculations so that light will bounce off the object. When unchecked, indirect lighting calculations are skipped for the object.
- Visible in Camera: When checked, the object is visible in the camera and render. When unchecked, the object does not render. Used in conjunction with Light Emitter, described previously, to create light-casting objects.
- Bend: When checked, creates smooth bending between groups in the figure. When unchecked, blending between groups is not performed and creates harder “breaks” between groups.
- Displacement Bounds: The Displacement Bounds property determines the figure’s displacement boundary. Please refer to Using The FireFly Render Engine for more information about displacement bounds.
- When conforming: These options allow you to choose which properties will automatically apply to clothing when it is conformed to a figure:
- Include Morphs: When this option is checked, the conforming article will automatically adjust to fit morphs that are set in the character to which it is conformed. Note, however, that the applicable morphs must be included in the conforming article in order for this to occur. In other words, if the character has a “Big Belly” morph that is set, the conforming clothing must also have a “Big Belly” morph in order for automatic morph conforming to work properly.
- Include scales: When this option is checked, the conforming article will automatically adjust to fit any scaling changes that are set in the character to which it is conformed. In other words, if you have scaled the thighs and shins of your character to 90%, the thighs and shins of the conforming clothing will automatically adjust to fit that scaling.
- Match end points: In legacy content, endpoints might not match between conforming clothing and the figure to which the clothing conforms. For example, factors such as incorrect joint origin settings or extremely tight parameter limits can cause clothing to behave unexpectedly. When this option is checked, you can force the matching of endpoints for conforming figures on an as-needed basis.
- Follow origins: If you are conforming a piece of clothing to a character that has animated origins (discussed in Manually Adjusting Animated Centers and Orientations) check this option to have the conforming item follow the animated origins. When enabled, Poser will compute the deltas of the current origin to follow the animated origins of the target figure.
- Include Transitions: If body parts in the figure utilize smooth transitions to blend between translated body parts, you can check this option to apply similar translations to clothing when it is conformed.
The accuracy of auto-scaling when conforming is dependent upon proper configuration of content. If auto-scaling does not appear to be working properly for third party-content, check the documentation furnished with the content, or contact the content developer.
- Compute magnets in world space: Using World Space is better for applying magnets across the seam of a joint. Content created for Poser 10/Pro 2014 and later will automatically assume world space. Older figures (which use local space calculation) will have this option off to maintain backward compatibility.
- Subdivision Levels: Allows you to subdivide the selected figure. See Working with Subdivision Surfaces for more information.
- Remove Backfacing Polygons: Determines how backfacing polygons are displayed on the selected figure:
- Obey Global Setting: Uses the setting that is configured in the Render Settings dialog.
- Force Show Backfacing Polys: Backfacing Polys will always be shown in the currently selected figure.
- Force Hide Backfacing Polys: Backfacing Polys will always be hidden in the currently selected figure.
- Enable Legacy Welding: Allows Poser to weld objects together on non-open edges. For use only with non-unimesh figures.
- Crease Angle: Specifies a crease angle setting for the entire figure. See Smoothing Geometry for more information about using the Crease Angle setting to apply smooth shading.