Using Graphs

The Graph Work Area consists of two axes and a graph. The horizontal axis represents time in frame numbers. The vertical axis’ values change depending on the selected attribute. If you choose a position attribute such as xTrans, the values represent positions in 3D space (Cartesian coordinates). If you select an editing property such as Bend, the axis represents degrees. A morph parameter’s values are measured in percentages.

The Graph itself shows the actual change in the attribute over the course of your animation. Its shape indicates the type of interpolation being used. You can also use the Graph palette for synchronizing sound to motion, as described in .

You will be given the option to save graph palettes when you save content to the Library, or when you save projects. .

When you double-click a keyframe, the Graph palette for that keyframe appears. An element’s Graph palette allows you to perform precise edits on keyframes and modify the interpolation methods used in your animation. The Graph palette contains the following functions:

The Graph Palette.

When Selection Sync is enabled, the actor/parameter popups in the graph palette will be disabled.

© 2020-2023 Bondware, Inc. Last updated March 29, 2023