Object Constraints

The Constraints tab in the Physics palette allows you to configure one of three different types of constraints for your physics objects. It also features painting tools that allow you to paint vertex maps that determine how the object responds to physics.

To add a constraint to the currently selected physics object, click the New button in the Constraints tab. You’ll see a menu that allows you to choose one of several constraint types. These are:

Creating a new constraint

Self Constraint with painted vertices on a cloth plane.

Animated Constraint handle with constrained vertices.

Setup for an Object Constraint.

Set Handle Position.

You can chain multiple items together in this manner. For example, you can add another object (such as a third box), and then create another Object Constraint that links Box 3 to Box 2.

Soft bodied objects may drift away from the handle during simulation. Adding a second Object Constraint between the same two objects may improve performance.

Move Box 1 and Box 2 will follow it.

Limiting rotations to the Z axis only.

Move Box 1 and Box 2 will follow it with limited rotations.

Painting Constraints

After you set up one of the constraint types mentioned in the previous section, you can use the paintbrush tool to paint a vertex map that defines how the object will respond to that constraint type.

Paintbrush tool.

After clicking the Paintbrush icon, the Dynamics Weights palette opens. This palette allows you to paint the vertices on the object to control how they will be affected by the physics engine. As you paint, the vertices are coded with various colors.

Cloth plane with self constrained vertices fully (left) and partially (right) across the top.

The Dynamics Weights palette contains the following sections and settings:

Initially, all vertices of an object are set to fully dynamic unless you check the Invert Colors option mentioned below.

Dynamics Weights Palette.

Deleting Constraints

To delete a constraint, follow these steps:

  1. From the Object menu in the Physics Simulation palette, select the object that contains the constraint you want to delete.
  2. Switch to the Constraints tab, if necessary.
  3. Select the constraint that you want to delete from the list of available constraints (which appears just above the paintbrush).
  4. Press Delete to delete the selected constraint.

© 2020-2023 Bondware, Inc. Last updated March 29, 2023