Render Comparison

Poser offers convenient render comparison features, allowing you to contrast two different rendered images within the main render window. Clicking either of the two squares in the lower left corner of the Render tab brings up a pop-up menu listing the most recent renders by date and time. By default, the most recent render is set as the Main render, and is checked in the list under the black square. The second most recent render is the default Compare render, and is checked in the list under the white square. You can, however, select any render from the list as your Main and Compare renders. To compare the Main and Compare renders, use the Render Wipe slider at the bottom of the main render window. Moving the slider to the right displays the Main render, while moving it to the left displays the Compare render. The default number of recent renders listed is ten. You can configure this number in the General Preferences dialog. (See for more information about the General Preferences dialog.)

Render Comparison controls.

© 2020-2023 Bondware, Inc. Last updated March 29, 2023