Changing the Library Appearance

A widget appears at the bottom of the Library palette, just beneath the library buttons shown in the previous figure. Click this widget to expand the Library palette to view the display options described in the sections that follow:

The Library Display Options widget.

Display Options

Display library options.

Check or uncheck the options listed below, to show or hide the various areas in the Library palette as desired. These areas are labeled in the following figure.

Breadcrumbs, Tree, Item List, and Extended Details in the Library palette.

The Extended Details panel will display basic information such as the product name, size, the date the file was installed and last modified, and the path to the file on your computer. Additional metadata can also appear about a library item if it has been added by the author of the content. Extended details can include additional information such as author name, copyright information, usage instructions, and more. Metadata is stored in a file that ends with an XMP extension.

Tree Options

Thumbnails and additional product details appear in the Tree if you have selected to disable the Item List Panel. The options in the Tree Options section control the size of preview and selected item thumbnails, details, and other items in the Tree.

Tree library options.

List Options

When the Item List is enabled, thumbnails appear in multiple columns that adjust to fit the width of the panel. Settings in the List Options section control size of the thumbnail and the placement of text around the thumbnail.

List library options.

Details Options

The Details Options tab controls the appearance of the thumbnails in the Extended Details panel.

Details library options.

Search Options

The Search Options tab provides settings relating to library searches.

Search options.

Autocomplete: When checked, search terms will automatically complete after enough characters are entered to determine results that match characters that you enter. When unchecked, the word will not autocomplete. In either case, search terms that match the characters that you enter will dynamically appear beneath the search field.

© 2020-2023 Bondware, Inc. Last updated March 29, 2023