Creating/Editing Groups

To create a group, select the Grouping tool. You can then click individual polygons or click and drag to select multiple polygons. If you accidentally select one or more wrong polygons, you can deselect them by using the Deselect tool (see above) or pressing [CTRL] while clicking or dragging. If you are in the Setup room, polygons that have been removed from a group will automatically be added to a group called NO_BONE so that you can see which polygons are unassigned and correct the problems before leaving the Setup room.

To select polygons that are currently out of view, you can use the Wireframe display style, the camera trackball to change the view of your figure, and/or multiple viewpanes to bring the desired polygons into view.

Path names in Poser-related library files and scripts use a colon to separate the folders in the path (ie: Runtime:Libraries:character:myfolder:myproduct.cr2). Using a colon in figure or group names will cause potential problems when parsing PoserPython scripts, as anything after the colon is ignored. Use of a colon in an actor name (such as tail:1 or tail:9) is discouraged. Instead, name the item something like tail01 or tail09.

While working with the Grouping tool, pressing [OPT]/[ALT] allows you to quickly access the camera trackball.

While you are selecting polygons, it is possible that you will select some polygons that have previously been assigned to a different group, either by accident or by design. If this happens, the Grouping tool will remove the subject polygons from their previous group and assign them to the new group in order to ensure that no polygons belong to more than one group at a time.

The Group Editor palette commands do not share this functionality.

When you are creating groups for figures (Setup room), it is important to remember that joint bending only occurs between an object and its parent. The bends do not progress to other children or above the parent in the hierarchy. Keep this in mind as you create your groups, and later when you fine-tune your joints.

The Group Editor palette appears whenever the Grouping tool is selected.

© 2020-2023 Bondware, Inc. Last updated March 29, 2023