Restricting Painting by Groups or Materials

The Restrict to option in the Vertex Weights palette allows you to isolate a group or a material for weight painting.

To restrict weight painting to groups or materials, follow these steps:

  1. Select the joint and rotation that you want to paint (example shown is Neck Side-Side).
  2. Click the Weight Painting icon to open the Vertex Weight palette.
  3. Check Restrict To. This enables the following restrict to options:

Restrict To options in the Vertex Weights Palette.

  1. All of the vertices in the selected body part will still be displayed while you paint. However, when you move the brush over the selected body part, you will notice that the brush will only affect the vertices in the group or material that you selected in the previous steps.

© 2020-2023 Bondware, Inc. Last updated March 29, 2023