Gamma Correction and Linear Rendering

By configuring the gamma correction you can specify the gamma that has been applied to textures, and the gamma that will be applied to exported images. This allows you to perform linear rendering for improved luminance accuracy.

When you create a new scene, the default setting for Linear Rendering is 2.2. You must use the FireFly Render Engine to set the gamma value. When you are opening a document from a previous version of Poser, you will need to enable the gamma correction if you want to perform linear rendering.

Gamma settings are propagated to the Preview Renderer when hardware shading is enabled. There is no separate gamma configuration option for the Preview renderer; instead, they are taken from the Firefly render settings, Texture Manager, and gamma nodes in the Advanced Material room.

HDRI files will be read and written in a linear fashion with a Gamma value of 1.0, ignoring whatever gamma value might be specified in that location.

To enable Gamma Correction, choose Render > Render Settings, select the FireFly Tab and then check the Gamma Correction Box from the Options Panel. The default gamma value is 2.2 for most image formats. You have the option to specify a custom gamma value in the text field. The text field is only accessible only when the Gamma Correction Box is enabled.

Set the Gamma Correction value in the Render Options window.

© 2020-2021 Bondware, Inc. Last updated November 23, 2021