SuperFly Render Settings

The SuperFly Render Settings dialog contains settings that control render properties and quality while using the Superfly render engine. In general, increasing the number of samples or the number of bounces that are taken during the rendering process increases the quality of the render; however higher settings also increase the amount of time required to complete the rendered image.

Render Settings: SuperFly tab.

With default settings, you may see areas that don’t appear as sharp as they should, or which show some artifacts and blurriness in reflections. The quality settings will help you control how the light passes to and between the objects in your scene.

Default render settings.

Quality Settings:

Pixel samples 4.

Pixel samples 40.

Click the Load Preset button in the SuperFly tab to select from one of several Branched Pass Tracing presets. There are presets for GPU rendering, CPU rendering, Caustics rendering, and Subsurface Scattering rendering. The presets are listed in their categories below in the order of lowest quality/shorter render speed to highest quality/longer render speed.

‎The following presets use the CPU render and Branched Path Tracing by default:
‎Low Branched - uses 2 pixel samples
‎Medium Branched - uses 5 pixel samples
‎High Branched - uses 8 pixel samples
‎Ultra Branched - uses 10 pixel samples

‎The following SSS presets use the CPU render and Branched Path Tracing by default:
‎Medium Branched SSS - uses 5 pixel samples
‎High Branched SSS - uses 8 pixel samples
‎Ultra Branched SSS - uses 10 pixel samples

‎The following presets use your GPU video card (if present) by default. Branched Path Tracing is turned off for GPU renders:
‎Low NonBranched (GPU) - uses 6 pixel samples
‎Medium Non-Branched (GPU) - uses 10 pixel samples
High NonBranched (GPU) - uses 16 pixel samples
Ultra NonBranched (GPU) - uses 35 pixel samples

The following presets use your GPU video card (if present) by default. Branch Path Tracing is turned off. These presets are useful for renders that use caustics:
High NonBranched (Caustic) - uses 16 pixel samples
Ultra NonBranched (Caustic) - uses 50 pixel samples

You can use the denoising filter found in PostFX to remove noise at the end of the render. This allows you to perform renders with a lower number of pixel samples (which will render faster) and then apply denoising after the render is finished. See Applying Post Effects to Renders.

Branched Path Tracing off; Pixel Samples 4

Branch Path Tracing off; Pixel Samples 32.

When rendering with your GPU video card, we recommend turning Branched Path Tracing off, increasing pixel sample settings, and setting bounces as needed for the contents in your scene.

Branched Path Tracing allows more control over the number of samples taken for different types of materials.

Branch Path Tracing on; Diffuse Samples at 32; all others at 1

Branch Path Tracing on; Glossy Samples at 32; all others at 1

Unchecking the Sample All Lights Direct and Sample All Lights Indirect settings will produce faster renders, but will probably be noisier.

Infinite lights and global lights will lead to black spots in renders, because infinite light travels through an infinite distance. Atmosphere in SuperFly renders is energy conserving. Light loses energy due to scattering and absorption in the scene, causing infinite light to diminish until there is no light left at the viewer’s point.

Filter Glossy of 0 (top) and 100 (bottom).

The Filter Glossy, Clamp Direct Samples, and Claim Indirect Samples settings can be used to minimize hot pixels in the render. If they are set too low, the image will be visibly darker. If set too high, hot pixels may still persist.

GPU Selection options with CPU and one GPU

GPU Selection options with CPU and multiple GPUs

Windows Task Manager may not report GPU usage statistics properly. For more accurate results, we recommend using a graphics processing utility such as TechPowerUp GPU-Z (Windows only) or similar.

GPU renders perform better with large bucket sizes or progressive rendering. Small bucket sizes are better for CPU rendering.

When you have more than one GPU in your system, choose one of the following two render options to make use of multple GPUs while rendering, depending on whether or not your GPUs support OptiX rendering. As of this writing, only NVidia RTX 2000 and RTX 3000 cards support OptiX.

--- Choose Multi Device if at least one of your GPU cards does not support OptiX (for example, if you have a GTX1080, which does not support OptiX, and an RTX2080 which does support OptiX ).

--- Choose OptiX:Multi Device if all of your GPU cards support OptiX. In the example shown above, the RTX2080Ti and RTX 3090 are all OptiX capable cards.

SuoerFly requires a minimum compute capability of 2.0. Note that older NVIDIA GPU cards are more limited than current generations. For detailed information about NVIDIA CUDA support, see

Running SuperFly with a GPU has texture limits depending on model of card. On GTX4xx/5xx (Fermi-based) GPUs, the limit is 5 floating point textures (OpenEXR, HDR, 16-bit TIFF, etc) or 95 byte textures (JPG, PNG). On GTX 6xx (Kepler and Maxwell-based) GPUs, the limit is 145 textures.


When using Progressive Refinement to preview your render settings, uncheck the Branched Path Tracing option, and set the pixel samples to a high value (such as 128). You can press the Cancel button at any time during the preview.

Progressive Refinement also works when using the Render in Background command.

The Max Transparent Bounces setting will help reduce render times in scenes that contain many layers of transparent materials (hair, leaves on trees, etc). Since each transparent layer is calculated during ray tracing, there is a potential of hundreds or even thousands of bounces to occur. Set the Max Transparent Bounces amount to at least the minimum number of bounces required to obtain desired render quality for multi-layered transparencies. Higher settings of 64 or more will reduce fuzziness in hair renders.

When using GPU rendering, the Bucket Size setting will help to achieve optimal performance. Start with a bucket size between 100 and 300. Some scenes may benefit with larger settings.

Caustics are light rays that originate at a light source, and then are reflected or refracted off of a surface such as glass or reflective surfaces such as mirrors. Caustics are rendered in SuperFly only,

Caustics are best achieved when using area lights that are placed very close to the object or objects that you want to reflect or refract.

© 2020-2021 Bondware, Inc. Last updated November 23, 2021