3D Texture Nodes

These are the color nodes included with the Material room. Unless specified otherwise, the list of attributes for each node is listed from top to bottom.


The Cellular node is used to create mosaic or cubic tiles. It has the following attributes:

Cellular node.


The Clouds node simulates cloud patterns. It has the following attributes:

Clouds node.


The fBm node is a multi-fractal function. It has the following attributes:

fBm node.

Fractal Sum (Fractal_Sum)

The Fractal Sum node is a fractal function that returns values between –1 and 1. It has the following attributes:

Fractal Sum node.


The Granite node is a 3D simulation of speckled granite textures. It has the following attributes:

Granite node.


The Marble node is a 3D simulation of marble or other stone patterns. It has the following attributes:

Marble node.


The Noise node adds random “static” or “snow” effects. It has the following attributes:

Noise node.


The Spots node consists of a 3D texture composed of random spots. It has the following attributes:

Spots node.


The Turbulence node is an unsigned fractal function. It has the following attributes:

Turbulence node.


The Wave3D node implements a three-dimensional sin / cos trigonometric function, resulting in a three-dimensional wave effect.

Wave 3D node.


The Wood node provides a 3D texture that simulates wood patterns. It has the following attributes:

Wood node.

© 2020-2025 Bondware, Inc. Last updated January 05, 2025