Diffuse Nodes


The Clay node applies a clay-like lighting model to the selected material. It has the following attributes:

Clay node.


The Diffuse node allows you to use the standard diffuse lighting model. It has the following attributes:

Diffuse node.


The ProbeLight node takes an irradiance environment map, which is a 360 degree light distribution contained within a single image map, and applies it to your material. It has the following attributes, as well as nine coefficients:

Probe Light node.

If your intention is to create an image based light, you can do so by simply adding a diffuse image Based light to your scene in the lighting controls. See Lighting for more information about adding and configuring lights.


The Toon node gives your material a cartoon-like look. It has the following attributes:

Toon node.

The FireFly renderer gives better results for toon rendering.



© 2020-2025 Bondware, Inc. Last updated January 05, 2025