Ray Trace Nodes

To use the raytracing nodes, you must have raytracing enabled in the Render Settings dialog, as described in The Render Settings Dialog.

Ambient Occlusion (Ambient_Occlusion)

The Ambient Occlusion node uses raytracing to calculate the degree to which other objects within a scene mask (or occlude) the ambient light of a surface at a given point. Surfaces with greater occlusion ratios will be rendered as darker than surfaces with little or no occlusion. This node has the following attributes:

Ambient Occlusion node.

Ray Bias parameter is not supported in SuperFly.

Without Ambient Occlusion (left); With Ambient Occlusion/depth mapped shadows (right).

Fresnel (fresnel)

The Fresnel node is used for surfaces that are both refractive and reflective (also known as dielectrics). Such surfaces tend to reflect more when the observer to surface angle is high, and refract more when the observer to surface angle is low. Most surfaces that are transparent (refractive) are also reflective.

Fresnel node.

To use the Fresnel node with a surface node, plug it into the surface node’s refraction_color channel. Set the Diffuse values low, and Transparency to 0. The Fresnel node has the following attributes:

Quality parameter is not supported in SuperFly.

Softness: The Softness attribute controls how sharp or smooth refracted light appears after passing through an object.


The Gather node uses raytracing to collect color and light information from the surfaces within a specific area, which when combined with an infinite light source adds a realistic “outdoor” lighting effect. This effect also adds some color bleeding to the rendered scene. The Gather sampling area, or cone, is defined by the following attributes:

Gather node.

Ray Bias parameter is not supported in SuperFly.

Without Gather/no color bleeding (left); With Gather/color bleeding (right).


The Reflect node specifies the reflection color when raytracing. It has the following attributes:

Reflect node.

Quality and Ray Bias parameters are not supported in SuperFly.


The Refract node specifies the refraction color when raytracing. It has the following attributes:

Refract node.

Quality and Ray Bias parameters are not supported in SuperFly.

© 2020-2025 Bondware, Inc. Last updated January 05, 2025