Displacement maps are rendered at mesh resolution. You will need to increase the Render subdivision level to get more detail as needed for displacement maps.
Lighting Nodes can only be plugged into Blender or Fresnel Blend nodes and Alt Diffuse, Specular Color, Reflection Color or Refraction Color inputs.
Checking Reflection_Lite_Mult or Reflection_Kd_Mult will disable any lighting nodes plugged into the reflection channel.
The shadow catcher node when applied to the square hi res prop doesn't work with the default scene Construct or when there is an ENV Sphere prop.
Unsupported in SuperFly:
Ambient occlusion on lights
Smooth Polygons
Custom output 1, 2 and 3
Specular and Diffuse light shaders
Background node Diffuse_Color, Specular_ Color, and Bump input
Depth Cue
Atmosphere Strength parameter on lights
Quality and ray bias parameters on ray traced nodes