Capsule falloff zones provide a great deal more flexibility in controlling the shape of the zones of influence. The green and red capsules work similarly to the spherical falloff zones mentioned in the previous section. The green capsule defines the area that is 100% affected by the transformation, and the red capsule defines the limit of the transformation’s effect. The area in between the capsules defines the blending area.
Capsule Falloff Zone with Verts turned on.
If you choose to create a capsule zone, there are six unique parameters in the Parameters Palette to change the shape and size of capsules and how they affect the current joint. You will also see the Translate, Rotate, and Scale parameters which work similar to those described for the Spherical falloff zones.
innerMatCapsule and outerMatCapsule parameters.
With the inner or outer MatCapsule selected, you will see the following parameters in the Parameters palette:
The following diagram shows the parts of the capsule:
A diagram of a capsule falloff zone.
© 2020-2025 Bondware, Inc. Last updated January 05, 2025