Basic File Syntax

As you will see by examining this document, each Poser file type uses the same general syntax.


Tabs within Poser files are mostly insignificant, however they serve to show file structure, such as:

section 1

  child 1


   grandchild n

  child n

section n

Brackets & File Sections

Each Poser file opens and closes with brackets ({}), as does each section within a Poser file. Major file sections describe the file version, location and name of the underlying OBJ file (if any), and file properties. One of the major file sections (Channels) contains position, size, texture, morph target, and other properties. Poser automatically modifies values and adds entries as needed.

As described above, brackets denote the beginning and end of file sections. A left bracket begins each section, while a right bracket ends a section:


} ends

For example,


section A


Nested Brackets

As implied above, one can nest file sections using brackets to denote each section and subsection, as follows:


section A


     section B




Parameters and other items within a section do not need brackets. For example:


section A

    parameter 1

    parameter n


    section B

    command 1

 parameter 1

 parameter n

    command 2

 parameter 1

 parameter n




You can insert comments into Poser files, as follows:


number 4.01

This text is a comment added to the CR2 file.


© 2020-2023 Bondware, Inc. Last updated March 29, 2023