About Your Reference Manual

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The Poser Reference Manual is for both Macintosh and Windows. By convention, Macintosh commands precede Windows commands in the text. The Poser interface for Macintosh and Windows platforms is identical, unless otherwise specified.

For clarity, this manual uses several notational conventions to present information of special importance. Lists of items, points to consider, or procedures that do not need to be performed in a specific order appear in bullet format:

Procedures that must be followed in a specific order appear in numbered steps:

  1. Perform this step first
  2. Perform this step second

Specific keyboard keys are depicted in square brackets and are capitalized. For example: [ESC]. If more than one key should be pressed simultaneously, the notation appears as [KEY1]+ [KEY2], for example [ALT]+[F4]. When a modifier key differs between the Macintosh and Windows platform, the Macintosh modifier is listed first followed by a slash and the Windows modifier key. For example, [COMMAND]/[CTRL]+[I] is equivalent to the Macintosh [COMMAND]+[I] and the Windows [CTRL]+[I].

Screen prompts, menu and window names, fields, buttons, boxes, etc. appear in bold type. Where you need to access a palette, command, or submenu, the syntax is Menu > Submenu. For example File > Save As means you should open the File pull-down menu and then select Save As to open the Save As dialog box.

Program and script code appears in standard Courier font, for example:

cd\letters\business\legal [ENTER]

Notes detail tips, tricks, and other important information.

Warnings alert you to potentially harmful consequences such as data loss.

© 2020-2023 Bondware, Inc. Last updated March 29, 2023