Saving Morph Injection Poses

Morph injection poses allow content developers to create unique character morphs and “inject” the morph data into a Poser figure. Poser includes a command that allows you to create morph injection poses from within Poser.

The steps to create and save a morph injection pose are as follows:

  1. Create a morph target using the Morph palette, ZBrush, or other 3D modeling program.
  2. Import the morph target into your figure and verify that the morph is working.
  3. Choose File > Export > Morph Injection. The Select Objects window appears.
  4. Initially all of the morphs are selected in the dialog. Click the Select None dialog to deselect everything. Then check the morphs that you want to include in the Morph Injection pose.

If the morph you created includes a dial in the BODY actor (for a full body morph) it will automatically select the morph in the affected body parts when you check the morph in the BODY actor.

  1. Choose OK. The Save Morph to Injection File window prompts you to locate a folder and enter a filename for the injection pose.

Morph injection poses are not automatically saved to the library. If you want to save a morph injection pose to the library, use the Save Morph to Injection File window to navigate to a Runtime: Library: Poses folder in an internal or external library that is configured in Poser. Save the injection pose (PZ2) into that folder. If you add the injection pose to a runtime folder in this manner, you will need to refresh the folder in the Library to see it. You will also need to create a library thumbnail separately. Just save the thumbnail at the same location, using the same filename as the pose that you saved.

  1. To test the morph, create a new scene and load a version of the character that does not include your custom morph. Locate the morph injection pose in the library and apply it to the figure. Verify that the morph works as expected.

© 2020-2023 Bondware, Inc. Last updated March 29, 2023