Using the Fitting Tools


    1. Using the Fitting Tools
      1. Tighten Fit
      2. Loosen Fit
      3. Sag

The Edit tab in the Morph Palette includes fitting tools that allow you to create fitting morphs for clothing. These tools do not take existing grouping into account and work on the entire object geometry.

To use the fitting tools in the Morph Palette, follow these basic steps:

  1. Load the character and the clothing that you want to fit.
  2. Translate and scale the clothing as needed to position the clothing around the figure as closely as possible.
  3. Choose the Tighten Fit or Loosen Fit tool. Either of these tools allow you to select the Target figure to use. The Target will be the character that you want to fit the clothing to.

Choosing a Goal figure.

  1. Create a new morph and assign a name to it.
  2. Use the fitting tools to adjust the clothing as necessary. Adjust Brush Radius and Magnitude to increase or decrease the areas and amount of effect.

Tighten Fit

Tighten Fit makes the clothing tighter in the areas that you paint, moving it closer toward the shape of the Goal figure. Options are as follows:

You can use the Tighten Fit tool to get rid of pokethrough in your clothing. Select the clothing object. For the Goal, choose the figure that the clothing collides against (either the character or the next clothing layer below the current clothing). Then set the pokethrough margin to a small value like .002. As you paint the clothing, the Tighten Fit brush will pull the clothing toward you and eliminate the pokethrough.

Tighten Fit.

Loosen Fit

Loosen Fit.


© 2020-2023 Bondware, Inc. Last updated March 29, 2023