You can import static images as backgrounds. For example, if you are creating a scene with Poser characters in a room with a window, you could use a background image to simulate the view from the window. Selecting File > Import > Background Picture opens a standard Open dialog, allowing you to select your image’s format and location. As with movie imports, you are asked if you wish to resize your Document to match the imported image, and the results are the same as described above. Changing the aspect ratio of imported images can introduce unwanted artifacts into your scene when rendered and can result in blank areas on the sides of the Document (see above). We therefore recommend resizing your Document or importing correctly sized images. Poser supports importing background images in a wide variety of formats.
Extension(s) | Description | Import | Export |
bmp | Windows bitmaps | x | x |
dds | DirectDraw Surface | x | |
exr | OpenEXR image format | x | |
gif | Graphics Interchange Format | x | |
hdr | Radiance Image | x | |
jpeg/jpg | Joint Photographic Experts Group image | x | x |
pbm/pgm/ppm | Portable bitmap, graymap, and pixmap image formats | x | |
pcd | Kodak Photo CD | x | |
png | Portable Network Graphics format | x | x |
pict | Macintosh PICT files | x | |
psd | Photoshop Files | x | x |
sgi | Silicon Graphics Image format | ||
tga | Targa files | x | |
tif, tiff | Tagged Image File format | x |
When importing images, we recommend that you import them while the document window is in its docked state. You should try to light your scene in a manner consistent with the background so as to blend them together. Please see Lighting for information about lights in Poser.
If you have a background image in your scene that was placed there using either the File menu or by pasting the current figure/prop into the background, then selecting Display > Show Background Picture toggles displaying this image on and off.
Selecting Display > Clear Background Picture deletes the currently displayed background image (if any).
There are two ways of specifying the background of a scene – by loading an image in the BG Picture node, or by attaching a shader tree to the Background root node:
© 2020-2021 Bondware, Inc. Last updated November 23, 2021