Other Root Node Types

In addition to the three types of Material root nodes, Poser also offers root nodes that are specific to the background, lights, or atmosphere in your scene. These root nodes are described in the following sections.


    1. Other Root Node Types
      1. Root Background Node
      2. Root Light Node
      3. Root Atmosphere Node

Root Background Node

To display the root background node, choose the Background object from the Object selection menu in the material room Edit view.

The root Background node contains all of the attributes required to create a complete shader for your scene’s background and has the following attributes:

Root Background Node.

Background Diffuse_Color, Specular_Color and Bump are not supported in SuperFly.

The final render will always display whatever is attached to the Color channel of the Root Background node. However, if you wish the same image or color to appear in the preview render, you must also attach it to the BG Picture or BG Movie node.

The Root Background node initially has five additional node types that are specifically designed to work with the Background root node. 

BG Color

BG Color Node.

BG Environment

The BG Environment node is used to light your scene using an environment map image file as a texture. This node is the same as the Cycles > Texture > Environment Texture node discussed in EnvironmentTexture.


BG Environment Node.

To see an example of this node in use, open either the Mondello Beach or Wide Street scene from the startup launcher. These scenes use the BG Environment node to project an image on to an environment sphere. 

When the environment sphere is included in the scene, open the material editor and choose the Background object in the Material Editor. The preview window will display the HDRI image mapped onto the inside of the environment sphere. The following nodes are connected to the Background root:

Environment sphere background shader.

Next, select the Environment Preview from the object menu in the Material room. The same image used in the Background is added to its default material to cast light into the scene. For this, you use an image map node with the same HDRI image assigned. The Color output of the image map is connected to the Emission connection in the Physical Surface root node.

Environment prop emission shader.

Finally, select the Preview Light object from the Object menu in the material room. This is the third place where the HDRI image is referenced. The HDRI image map node is connected to the Color input of a root light node. Color is set to white, and Diffuse and Specular are set to black on the root light node.

Environment  preview light

Because the HDRI image is referenced in three places for the envirosphere, the easiest way to change the image used in this HDRI environment is as follows:

  1. Switch to the material room and select the Background from the list of objects at the top of the Material Editor.
  2. On the BG Environment node click the texture to open the Texture editor.
  3. Click the Browse button and select any HDR Image you want to use as an environment.
  4. Click the "Replace all identical maps" button at the bottom of the Texture manager.
  5. Choose to replace all identical maps in the Scene.
BG Movie

BG Movie Node.

Importing movies with the File > Import > Background Movie command will automatically connect the BG Movie node to the Color output of the Background root node, and adjust the UV Scake and UV Offset settings as needed. to display the background movie at the correct aspect ratio.

BG Picture

BG Picture Node.

Importing images with the File > Import > Background Picture command will automatically connect the BG Picture node to the Color output of the Background root node, and adjust the UV Scake and UV Offset settings as needed. to display the image at the correct aspect ratio.


Black Node.

Root Light Node

A root Light node appears whenever you have a light selected. Each light in your scene has its own root Light node, which has the following attributes:

Root Light Node.

Light Diffuse Color and Specular Color are not supported in SuperFly.

You must have a light selected in order to see its root node.

Root Atmosphere Node

The Root Atmosphere node contains all of the attributes required to create realistic atmospheric effects such as fog, haze, etc. in your scenes.

Root Atmosphere Node.

Depth Cue is not supported in SuperFly.

You can connect nodes to the color and density attributes for more complex effects.

Without volumetric rendering (no fog) on left; With volumetric rendering (with fog) on right.

Bright infinite lights can wash out volumetric effects unless you use a very low density. Volumetric effects are most successfully used with both spotlights and carefully controlled density numbers. Also, Volumetric lighting effects only appear over a rendered object. They do not appear over an empty background, even when a background shader is in place. You need at least one object in on screen in order for volumetric lighting effects to be visible.

© 2020-2023 Bondware, Inc. Last updated March 29, 2023