FireFly Options Settings

Firefly Options.

Smooth Polygons is not supported in SuperFly.

Without Polygon Smoothing (left); With Polygon Smoothing (right).

Without Displacement (left); With Displacement (right).

Toon outlines are not supported in SuperFly.

Toon Outline.

Box filtering example.

Gaussian filtering example.

Sinc filtering example.

Once you have finished entering your desired settings, click OK to store them. Render settings are saved when you save your scene. Clicking Cancel closes the Render Settings dialog without storing your changes.

To render your scene as a still image, select Render > Render or click the Render Now button in the Render Settings dialog.

To render animations, please refer to Rendering Animations for more information.

© 2020-2023 Bondware, Inc. Last updated March 29, 2023