If you could introduce yourself that would be great!
My name is Brian and I'm a Poser user. LOL I'm from the San Francisco Bay area in the United States.
How and when did you get involved in computer graphics and Poser?
I first got into computer graphics when I bought KPT Bryce back in 1995. Bryce is a 3D landscape program. I read a review about Poser 1 in a Macintosh magazine a few years later and thought it was a good idea. At the time I think both programs were made by the same company.
What are your favorite Poser features and why? What tools do you find yourself using the most?
My favorite Poser features are the material room and the morph brush. I make my own shaders in the matroom and have a few for sale and free downloads at Renderosity. I use the morph brush a lot when I've finished posing a figure with clothing. The morph brush is great for painting out the poke-throughs you get sometimes between the figure and the clothing.
Let’s talk about the marvelous render from Poser 13 of wine bottles on a shelf. Where did the idea come from?
What was your workflow for creating this scene?
I start with re-texturing all the components of the pre-made scene then I can add figures and make renders. In this case, I had not added any figures to the scene yet.
How about your render settings?
I used the same render settings that I posted here on Renderosity's Poser 13 forum. In that thread, I also go through my subsurface-scattering skin settings for figures. The other things I did with the bottles image was use Poser 13's Post FX de-noiser and exposure settings to increase the light in the scene.

Do you have a wish list of things you’d like to improve in Poser?
My main wish for Poser would be something like the color management system for Blender called Filmic Blender. This would raise the dynamic range of the lighting in Superfly and make the renders even more photo-realistic.
What advice do you have for those just starting out with Poser?
Utilize the models that come with Poser 13, they are pretty good. Also, check Renderosity for freebies and other great models and their forums for good advice from folks who have been running Poser forever.