Angle Measurements

Angle measurements allow you to determine an angle between two lines that meet at a center point.

To create an angle measurement, follow these steps:

  1. Choose Object > Create Measurement > Create Angle, or click the Measurement Mode icon in the bottom right corner of the document window and select Create Measurement - Angle.
  2. Click the first point to set the end point of the first line in the angle (point 1 in the figure below, which picks one of the back legs of the chair).
  3. Click the second point to set the point at which the two lines in the angle will connect (point 2 in the figure, which selects one of the points on the oil can).
  4. Click the third point to set the end point of the second line in the angle (point 3 in the figure, which selects one of the corners of the cinder block).

Angle measurement object.

  1. To adjust an angle measurement (reference the above figure):
  1. You can set the following properties for an angle measurement in the Properties palette:

Angle measurement properties.

© 2020-2021 Bondware, Inc. Last updated November 23, 2021