Creating Magnet Deformers

To create a magnet, select the object you wish to deform then select Object > Create Magnet. This creates three Magnet objects, which together comprise the deformer.

Parts of a magnet.

The three parts are:

Magnets work by deforming the area within the Magnet Zone along the axis defined by the Magnet Base and Magnet Object in an amount dependent on the distance between the Magnet Object and the Magnet Base.

Using Editing Tools with Magnet Objects

To use Editing tools on a Magnet Object, select the magnet in the Current Actor pull-down menu, then select your desired Editing tool.

Magnet Deformer Properties

Magnet Objects, Magnet Bases, and Magnet Zones have properties that you can edit using the Properties palette.

Magnet Object Properties

Magnet Objects have the following properties:

Magnet properties.

Magnet simple transforms.

Magnet Object Parameters

Magnet Objects have the following parameter dials in the Parameters palette:

Magnet parameters.

Magnet Base Properties

Magnet Bases have the following properties:

Magnet Base properties.

Magnet Zone Properties

Magnet Zones have the following properties:

Setting the Magnet Zone’s display style to Wireframe can help make it more visible in your Document.

Magnet Zone properties.

Magnet Zone Falloff Graph

Selecting Edit Falloff Graph in the Magnet Zone Properties palette opens the Magnet Zone Falloff window.

The left side of this graph depicts the center of the Magnet Zone, and the right side is its edge. By default, a smooth curve appears, meaning that the magnet’s influence gradually tapers off towards the edges of its zone. By adjusting this curve, you can alter the falloff properties.

The effects of a magnet zone can be shaped with a graph.

To move control points click and drag them up and down. Raising a control point increases the magnet zone’s influence at the location. To add control points, click any spot along the curve. You cannot remove added control points.

Locking Magnets

You can lock magnets to prevent accidental changes. Please refer to Lock Object.

© 2020-2025 Bondware, Inc. Last updated January 05, 2025