Wave Deformers

Wave deformers distort objects by creating wave paths. You can use the Rotate, Twist, Translate, and Scale tools on wave deformers. Please see The Editing Tools for information on using the Editing tools. Here’s an example of a sphere deformed by a wave.

A wave deformer applied to a forearm.

Creating Wave Deformers

To create a wave, select the object you wish to deform then select Object > Create Wave. This creates two Wave objects, which together comprise the deformer. The two parts are:

Parts of a Wave deformer.

Using Editing Tools with Wave Deformers

To use Editing tools on a Wave Object, select the wave in the Current Actor pull-down menu, then select your desired Editing tool.

Wave Object Properties

Wave Objects and Zones have properties that you can edit using the Properties palette.

Wave Objects have the following properties:

Wave Deformer properties.

Wave Zone Properties

Wave Zones have the following properties:

Wave Zone properties.

Setting the Wave Zone’s Display Style to Wireframe can help make it more visible in your Document Window.

Wave Zone falloff graph.

Wave Deformer Parameters

Wave deformers can use the following parameter dials in the Parameters palette:

Wave Deformer parameters.

First, there are certain parameter dials that are only available for waves:

The following common parameters also apply to Wave objects:

© 2020-2025 Bondware, Inc. Last updated January 05, 2025