Step Two: Growing Hair

Once you’ve created a hair growth group, the next step is to grow the guide hairs.

As the name implies, guide hairs influence how nearby hairs will grow. To do this, click the Grow Guide Hairs button. The currently selected hair group will sprout guide hairs.

Growing hair on a Hair Group.

Guide hairs both shape the hair group and increase performance by allowing you to toggle displaying the fully populated hair group on and off (see below). Either before or after growing the guide hairs, you can apply some general parameters to determine the overall hair shape. These are:

Hair Growth Controls.

Once you’ve completed this step, your hair will be in place and will have its rough shape.

Don’t confuse the Pull Back and Pull Down parameters as replacing gravity or other dynamics that you can set after styling the hair. These parameters merely set the hair’s starting positions.

© 2020-2023 Bondware, Inc. Last updated March 29, 2023