Choosing a Poser Startup Scene

The Poser Launcher screen allows you to launch Poser using one of four different launch options. Your Launch preference can either be set in the Document tab of the General Preferences dialog (see Document Preferences), or by using the Launch Options button in the Poser Launcher (described below).

If you choose any other option 

When you start Poser up with the Launch to Launcher screen enabled, you are prompted to choose a startup scene. Recent scenes that you worked on are listed in the upper left portion of the startup screen. Various startup scenes are listed in the lower left portion of the startup screen. When you click a scene, a preview appears in the right portion of the startup screen.

Choosing a startup scene.

The items in the launcher are as follows:

A 300 x 300 thumbnail preview appears in the launcher when you select one of the scenes in the Recent or Startup Scenes list.

You can find additional HDRI images for use with the Poser environment sphere at sIBL Archive.

See BG Environment for more information on how to use the BG Environment node.

To reopen the launcher screen from within Poser, choose File > Close to close your current scene. The launcher screen will reappear and you can choose another scene.

© 2020-2023 Bondware, Inc. Last updated March 29, 2023