FaceFX Morphs for La Femme 2 Back to All

By: RPublishing, Afrodite-Ohki

 by Afrodite-Ohki
Price: $ 19.95


Included in this package:

*INJ and REM files for LaFemme2

Morph list:







The morphs included may be used as merchant resources, provided that you:
-dial a unique shape mixing various morphs;
-use "Spawn morph target" to commit them all together;
-do not redistribute the morphs as a morph pack or in any way that could become a competition for this product;
-do not redistribute any of these morphs "as-is".

Otherwise, you may use various Poser methods to distribute character shapes in a way that requires the end user to also own this product, using your files in a way to dial the morphs included here.