Explosions! Action, war drama, fantasy, space opera or anything else that needs a more intense experience, this is for you. Explosion Effect Maker consists of 16 explosions, 5 smoke puffs, ember, dirt and rock clouds, and even cloth droppers to litter the ground to match the explosions. The explosions themselves are made as transparent planes, so they are not fully three dimensional, this has the advantage of enabling very nice realism, fast placing in scenes and rendering. They are recommended for still images, rather than anything animated. Each explosion comes in 4 versions with different baked lightning, so you can easily match them into most scenes. Each explosion comes with neutral, left, right and top light, depending on your lighting setup. They also have a light bump effect, which helps to work with the lighting as well. The explosions come in different styles. Ground bursts and air bursts. Some have flames and some are pure smoke.
Texture size is 4K for the explosions, which gives you nice, high resolution images for your scenes. Also, they come with emissive materials. If you want more or less glow, simply adjust the emissive value in the material. They work in both SuperFly and FireFly, but please note that the emissive material in FireFly will simply be ambient, and cannot emit light of its own like it will in SuperFly. If you have sharp light and notice rendering artifacts on the explosion, simply add subdivision,
The following is included:
16 Explosions with 4 baked lighting versions for each
5 Smoke puffs with 4 baked lighting versions for each
2 Rock clusters with 3D models
2 Dirt clusters with planes
2 Ember clusters with planes
1 Ember dropper
1 Dirt dropper