Movie Props Set 02 Back to All

By: RPublishing

 by RPublishing
Price: $ 10.95


~~~~~ Objects included ~~~~~


1 Lollypop Scale with drivable wheels and Scale Dial from 0 to 1000 pounds.


69 Props Total

Added the Lollypop Scale figure to the props folder for convenience

10 Trash Cans

20 Single Cardboard Boxes

20 Pallets preloaded with Cardboard Boxes Single Props

1 Hand Truck

7 Hand Trucks Preloaded with Cardboard Boxes Single Props

1 Pallet

1 Stool Short

1 Stool Tall

1 Shelving Unit Empty

1 Shelving Unit with 20 Cardboard Boxes grouped in the props all the Cardboard Boxes on the shelves may be moved.

5 Shelving Units with different Box configurations Single Props ( Boxes Not Moveable)

1 Work Bench